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Wednesday 31 March 2010

retching n.

repeated unvailing attempts to vomit.

retention n.

inability to pass urine which is retained in the bladder.

retina n

the light sensitive layer that lines the interiorofthe eye.

retinal n.

the aldehyde of retinol

retrograde adj

going backward or moving in the opposite direction to the normal

retroversion n.

an abnormal position of the uterus in whichit is tilted backwards.

rhematism n.

any disorder in which aches and pains affect the musclesand joints.

rhinology n.

a branch of medicine concerned with disorder of the nose and nasal passages.

rhomboid n.

either of two muscles. rhomboid major rhomboid minor.

rib n.

a curved slightly twisted

ricin n.

a highly toxic albumin obtained from castor-oil seeds.

rickets n.

a disease of childhood in which the bones do not harden due to a deficiency of vitamin D.

rigor n.

an adrupt attact of shivering and a sensation of coldness.

ringworm n.

a fungus infection of thes kin the scalp or the nails.

risk factor

an attribute such as a habit

rod n.

one of the two types of light -sensitive cells in the eye.

rofecoxib n.

an anti- inflammatory drug.

rongeur n.

powerful biting forces for cutting tissue particularly bone.

ropinirole n.

adopamine receptor agonist.

rostrum n.

a beaklike projection such as that on the sphenoid bone.

rotator n.

a muscle that brings about rotation of a part.

rouleau n.

a cylindrical structure in the blood formed from several red blood cells piled one upon the other and adhering by their rims.

rubber dam

a sheet of rubber used to isolate one or more teethduring treatment.

rubor n.

redness one of the classical signs of inflammation in a tissue the other three being color,door,and tumor.

ruga n.

a fold or crease especially one of the folds of mucous memebrane that line the stomach.

rupture n.

the bursting apart or open of an organ tissue.

sabin vaccine

an oral vaccine against poliomyelitis

sac n.

a pounch or baglike structure.

saccus n.

a sac or pouch

sacrum n.

a curved triangle element of the back bone.

salmonella n.

a genus of motile rodlike gram-negative that inhabit the intestines of animal and humans and cause disease.

sandfly n.

a small hairy fly of the widely distributed genus.

sarcomatosis n.

sarcoma that has spread widely throughout the body.

scab n.

a hard crust of dried blood, serum or pus that develops during the bodys wound healing process over a sore.

scala n.

one of the spiral canals of the cochlea.

scaler n.

an instrument for removing calculus from the teeth.

scar n.

a permanent mark left after wound healing.

scotoma n.

a small area of abnormally less sensitive or absent vbision in the visual field.

scrototomy n.

an operation in which the scrotum is surgically explored.

scrotum n.

the paired sac that holds the testes and epididymides outside the abdominal cavity.

sebum n.

the oily substance secreted by the sebaceous gland.

segment n.

a portion of a tissue or organ.

selenium n.

a trace element that is an essential component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase.

seminom n.

a malignant tumor of he testis.

steroid n.

one group o compounds having a common structure based on the steroid nucleus.

stigma n.

a mark that charactizes a particular disease

stimulant n.

an agent that promotes the activity of a body system or function.

stipping n.

a spotted or speckled appearance.

stomach n.

a distensible saclike organ that forms part of the alimentary canal between the oesophagus.

stomodeum n.

the site of the embroyonic mouth.

stress n.

any factor that threatens the health of the body or has an adverse effect on its functioning

stroke n.

a sudden attact of weakness affecting one side of the body.

stupor n.

a condition of near unconsciousness with apparent mental inactivity and reduced ability to respond to stimulation

stylus n.

pencil shaped instrument

substitution n.

the replacement of one idea by other

sugar n.

any carbohydrates that dissolves in water is usually crystalline.

suggestion n.

the process of changing people beliefs attitudes.

suicide n.

self-destruction as a deliberate act.

suramin n.

a non metallic drug used in the treatment of trypanosomiasis.

surgeon n.

a qualified medical practitioner who specializes in surgery.

surgery n.

the branch of medicine that treats injuries.

swab n.

a pad of absorbent material.

sweat n.

the watery fluid secreted by the sweat gland.

sycosis n.

inflammation of the hair follicles caused by infection.

symphysis n.

a joint in which the bones are separated by fibrocartilage.

symptom n.

an indication of a disease or disorder noticed by the patient himself.

syndrome n.

a combination of sign and or symptoms that forms a distinct clinical picture indicative of aparticular disorder

synechia n.

an adhesion between the iris and other part of the eye

synovial membrane

the membrane composed of mesothelium and connective tissue.

synovioma n.

a begin or malignant tumour of the synovial membrane.

system n.

a group of organs and tissue associated with a particular physiological function.

systemic adj

relating to or affecting the body as a whole rather than individual parts and organs.

systole n.

the period of the cardiac cycle during which the heart contracts

tabes dorsalis

a form of neurosyphilis occurring 5-20 years after original sexually.

tablet n.

a small disc containing one or more drugs

talus n.

the ankle bone.

tensor n.

any muscle that cause stretching or tensing of a part of the body.

tesla n.

the SI unit of magnetic flux density.

testis n.

either of the pair of male sex organs that produce spermatozoa and secrete the male sex hormone.

tetanus n.

an acute infectious disease affecting the nervous system.

tetany n.

spasm and twitching of the muscles,

thoracotomy n.

surgical opening of the chest cavity to inspect or operate on the heart.

thorax n.

the chest

thombusis n.

thombusis n. a condition in which the blood changes from a liquid to a solid state and produces a blood clot

thrombus n.

a blood clot

thyrohyoid adj

relating to the thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone.

Tuesday 30 March 2010

tissue n.

acollection of cells specialized.

tongue n.

a muscular organ attached to the floor of the mouth.

tonic adj

relating to normal muscle tone.

tonsil n.

a mass of lymphoid tissue.

Sunday 28 March 2010

topical adj

local used used nfor the route of administration of a drug.

toxic adj.

having a poisonous effect, potentially lethal.

toxin n.

poison produced by a living organism especially by a bacterium.

trace element

an element that is required in minute concentrations for normal growth and development

tracer n.

a substance that is introduction into the body and whose progress can subsequently be followed so that information is gained.

trachoma n.

a chonic contagious eye disease.

trance n.

a state in which reaction to the environment is diminished although awareness is not impaired

tranquillizer n.

a drug that provides a calming affect.

transferase n.

an enzyme that catalyses the transfer of a group.

transfusion n.

the injection of a volume of blood obtained from a healthy person.

translation n.

the manufacture of proteins in cell

tremor n.

a rhythmical and alternating movement that may affect any part of the body.

triad n.

a group of three united or closely associated structures or three symptoms or effects.

triceps n.

a muscle with three heads of origin particularly the triceps brachii.

trichiasis n.

a condition in which the eyelashes rub against the eyeball.

trichology n.

the study of hair.

trichomoniasis n.

an infection of the digestive system by the protozoan.

trigeminal nerve

the fifth and largest cranial nerves.

trigeminy n.

a condition in which the heartbeats can be subdivided into groups of three.

triploid adj.

describing cells tissue or individuals.

trochanter n.

either of the two protuberances that occur below the neck of the femur.

trophoblast n.

the tissue that forms the wall of the blastocyst.

tropical medicine

the study of disease more commonly found in tropical regions than elsewhere.

trunk n.

the main part of a blood vessel lymph vessels or nerve from which branches arise.

tube n.

a long hollow cylindrical structure.

tuber n.

a thickened or swollen part.

tuberculosis n.

an infectious disease caused by the bacillus mycobacterium tuberculosis.

tumid adj


tumor n.

swelling one of the classical signs of inflammation.

tumour n.

any abnormal swelling in or on a part of the body.

tunica n.

a covering or layer of an organ or part.

tunnel n.

a canal or hollow groove.

tunnel n.

a canal or hollow groove.

turgor n.

a state of being swollen or distended.

tussis n.

the medical name for coughing.

twins pl. n.

two individuals who are born at the same time and the same parent.

tylosis n.

focal keratosis occurring especially on the palms and soles.

tympanum n.

the middle ear and or eardrum.

typhosis n.

an obsolete name for blindness.

typhoid fever

an infection of the digestive system by the bacterium salmonella type.

typus n.

any one of a group of infection caused by rickettsiae and characterized by seven headache,

tyramine n.

an amine naturally occurring in cheese.

tyrosinosis n.

an inborn defect of metabolism of the amino acid tyrosine.

tyrothicin n.

an antibiotic derived from the bacterium bacillus brevis.

ulcer n.

a break in th skin extending to all its layers

ulna n.

the inner and longer bone of the forearm

ulnar nerve

one of the major nerves of the arm.

ultrasonics n.

the study of the uses and properties of sound waves of very high frequency

uncus n.

any hook shaped structure

undine n.

a small rounde conntainer usually made of glass.

unguis n.

a fingernail or toenail

unilatral adj

relating to or affecting one side of the body or one side of an organor other part.

union n.

the successful result of healing of a fracture.


a small soft extension of the soft palate that hangs from the roof of the mouth above the root of the tongue.

uvulectomy n.

surgical removal of the uvuvla.

uvulitis n.

inflammation of the uvula.

vaccination n.

a means of producing immunity to a desease by using a vaccine.

vaccine n.

a special preparation of antigenic material that can usad to stimulate the development of antibiotics and thus confer active.

varus adj

describing any deformity that displaces the distal end of a limb toward the medicine.

vascular adj.

relating to or supplied with blood vessels.

vascularization n.

the development of blood vessels within a tissue.

vasomotion n.

an increase or decrease in the diameter of blood vessels particularly the arteries.

vastus n.

any of three muscles vastus intermedius vastus lateralis and vastus medialis.


an annimal usually an insect or a tick

Venule n.

a minute vessel that drains blood from the capillaries.

verbigeration n.

repetitive utterance of the same words over and over again.

Vermicide n.

a chemical agent used to destroy parasitic worm living in the intestine.

vermifuge n.

any drug or chemical agent used to expel worms from the intestine.

version n.

a manoeuvre to alter the position of a fetus in the uterus to facilitate delivery.

vertebra n.

one of the 33 bones of which the backbone.

vertigo n.

a disabiling sensation in which the affected individual feels that either he himself or his surrounding are in a state of constant movement.

vesical adj.

relating to or affecting an anatomical bladder especially the urinary bladder

vesicant n.

an agent that causes blistering pof the skin.

vessel n.

a tube conveying a body fluid especially a blood vessel or a lymphatic vessel.

viable adj

capable of living a separate existence.


a machine used to generate vibrations of different frequencies.

vibrio n.

a genus of gram-negative motile comma-shaped bacteria widely

vibrissa n.

a stiff coarse hair especially one of the stiff hair.

vicarious adj.

describing an action or function perfomed by an organ not normally involved in the function.

villus n.

one of many short finger like processes that object from some membranous surfaces.

vinca alkaloid

one group of antimitotic drugs.

vincristine n.

a vinca alkaloid with uses and side-effects similar to those of vinblastine.

vinculum n.

a connecting band of tissue.

vindesine n.

a vinca alkaloid with similarities to vinblastine and vincristine.

virilism n.

the development in a female of a combination of increase body hair mmuscle bulk.

virilization n.

the most extreme result of extreme result of excessive androgen production.

virology n.

the science of viruses.

virulence n.

the disease- producing ability of a microorganism.

virus n.

a minute particle that is capable of replication but only within living cells.

viscera pl n.

the organs within the body cavities


prefix denoting the viscera.

viscodissection n.

a surgical technique in which a viscoelastic material.

visual acuity

sharpness of vision.

visual field

the area in font of the eye in any part of which an object can be seenwithout moving eyes.

vital capacity

the maximum volume of air that a personcan exhale after maximum inhalation.

vital straining

the process of straining a living tissue by injecting a strain into the organism.

vitamin A

a fat-soluble vitamin that occurs preformed in foods of animal origin.

vitamin B

any one of a group of water-soluble vitamins.

vitamin B1

a vitamin of the B complex that is active in the form of thiamin pyrophosphate.

vitamin B12

a vitamin of the B complex. The form of vitaminB12 with coenzyme activity.

vitamin B2

a vitamin of the B complex that is a constituent of the coenzymes FAD.

vitamin B6

a vitamin of the B complex from which the coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate.

vitamin C

a water-soluble vitamin with antioxidant.

vitamin D

a fat-soluble vitamin that enhances the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestine promotes their deposition in the bone.

vitamin E

any group of chemically related fat-soluble.

vitamin K

a fat- soluble vitamin occurring in two main forms.

vitellus n.

the yolk of an ovum.

vitiligo n.

a common disorder in which symmetrical white or pale macule appear on the skin.

vitrectomy n.

the removal of the whole or part of the vitreous humour of the eye.

vitreous humour

the transparent jelly like material that fills the chamber behind the lens of the eye.

vitritis n.

inflammation within the vitreous humour of the eye.

viviparous adj

describing animal groups.

vivisection n.

a surgical operation on a living animal for experimental purpose.

vocal folds

the two folds of tissue which protrude form the sides of the larynx

vocal resonance

the sound heard through the stethoscope when the patient speaks.

vocational training

a period of supervised training for dentist.

volar adj.

relating to the palm of the hand or the sole of the foot.

volar adj.

relating to the palm of the hand or the sole of the foot.

volsellum n.

surgical forces with clawlike hooksat the ends of both blades.

voluntary admission

entry of a patient into a psychiatric hospital with his agreement.

volvulus n.

twisting of apart of the digestive tract usually leading to parial or complete obstruction and sometime reducing the blood supply.

vomer n.

a thin plate of bone that forms part of the nasal septrum

Saturday 27 March 2010

vomica n.

an abnormal cavity in an organ usually a lung containing pus.

vomiting n.

the relax action of ejecting the content of the stomach through the mouth.

voxel n.

short for volume element the volume of tissue in a body that is represented by a pixel in a cross sectional image.

voyeurism n.

the condition of obtaining sexual pleasure by watching other people underssing or enjoying sexual relations


see ventricular tachycardia.

vulsellum n.


vulv prefix

denoting the vulva

vulva n

the female external genitalia.

vulvectomy n.

surgical removal of the external genitals

vulvitis n.

inflammation of the vulva which is often accompanied by intense itching

vulvovaginitis n.

inflammation of the vulva and vagina

Friday 26 March 2010

waardenburg’s syndrome

an inherited form of deafness accompanied by a characteristics white forelock hair and multiple colours within the irise of the eyes.

wafer n.

a thin sheet made from moistened flour.

wating list

a list of the names of patients who are awaiting admission to hospital after having been assessed either as an out patient or on a domiciliary consultation.

wart n.

a benign growth on the skin caused by infection with human papillomavirus

wassermann reaction

formerly the most commonly used test for the diagnosis of syphilis.

water bed

a water with a flexible water containing mattress.

waterbrash n.

a sudden filling of the mouth with dilute saliva.

water’s protection

a posteroanterior x-ray film to show the maxillae.

weal n.

a transient swelling, confined to a small area of the skin that is characteristic of urtiria and occurs following dermographism.

webers test

a hearing testg in which a vibrating turing fork is placed at the forehead.

web space

the soft tissue between the bases of the fingers and toes.

wechsler scales

standardized scales for the measurement of intelligence quotient.

wegener’s granulomatosis

an autoimmune disease predominatantly affecting the nasal passages.

weil-felix reaction

a diagnostic test for typus.

weiss ring

a ringlike opacity on the posterior vitreous surface arising as a result of a posterior

wheeze n.

an abnormal high- pitched or low -pitched

whipples disease

a rare disease, occurring only in a males in which absorption of digestions reduced

whipple’s triad

a combination of three clinical features that indicate the presence of an insulinoma.

whipworm n.

a small parasitic whiplike nematode worm

whitakers test

a direct percutaneous real infusion test to investigate obstruction of the ureter causing

white finger

the appearance of a finger resulting from spasm of the vessels of the finger.

white matter

nerve tissue of the central nervous system that is paler in colour than the associated grey matter.

whoop n.

a noisy convulsive drawing in of the breath following the spasmodic coughing attack characteristics of whooping cough.

widal reaction

an agglutination test for the presence of antibodies against the salmonella.

withdrawal n.

the removal of ones interest from one’s surroundings

wood’s light

ultraviolet light filtered through a nickel oxide prism.

World Health Oganization

an internal organization, membership of which is open to every country.

worm n.

any member of several groups of soft-bodies legless animals.

wormia bone

one of a number of small bones that occur in the cranial sutures.

wound n.

a break in the structure of an organ or tissue caused by an external agent.

wrist n.

the joint between the forearm and hand.

wrist drop

paralysis of the muscles that raise the wrist, which is caused by damage to the radial nerve.

wuchereria n.

a genus of white threadlike parasitic worms.

xanthelasma n.

yellow plague occurring symmetrically around the eyelids.

xanthine n.

a nitrogenous breakdown product of the purines adenosine and guanine.

xanthine n.

a nitrogenous breakdown product of the purines adenosine and guanine.

xanthomatosis n.

the presence of multiple xanthomata in the skin

xanthophyll n.

a yellow pigment fund in green leaves.

xanthopsia n.

yellow vision; the condition in which all objects appear to have a yellowish tinge.

x chromosomes

the sex chromosome present in both sexes.


denoting different; foreign; alien;

xenodiagnosis n.

a procedure for diagnosing infections transmitted by insect carriers.

xenogeneic adj.

describing grafted tissue derived from a donor of a different species.

xenograft n.

a living tissue graft that is made from an animal of one species to another of a different species.

xenon-133 n.

a radioactive isotope that has a half-life of about five days and in used in ventilation scanning of the lungs in nuclear medicine.

xenophobia n.

excessive fear of stranger and foreigner

xenipsylla n.

a genus of tropical and substance fleas with some40 species.


prefix denoting a dry condition.

xeroderma n.

a mild form of the hereditary disorder ichthyosis.

xerophthalmia n.

a progressive nutritional disease of the eye due to deficiency of vitamin A.

xeroradiography n.

x-ray imaging produced by exposing an electrically charged plate and the dusting it with a fine blue powder.

xerosis n.

abnormal dryness of the conjuctive the skin or the mucous membranes.

xerostomia n.

see dry mouth conpareptyalism

xiphi prefix denoting

then xiphoid process of the sternum.

x-linked disease

see sex-linked.

x-linked lymphoroliferative syndrome

a hereditary disorder of the immune system caused by a defective sex-linked.

xlp syndrome

see x-linked lymphoroliferative syndrome.

x-rays pl n.

electromagnetic radiation of extremely short wavelength beyond pass ultra violate rays.

x-ray screening

the use of an image intersifier to produce real-time imaging during x-ray examination on a TV monitor

xylene n.

a liquid used for increasing the transparency of tissues prepared for microscope examination after dehydration.

xylene n.

a liquid used for increasing the transparency of tissues prepared for microscope examination after dehydration.

xylometazoline n.

a sympathomimetic drug that constricts blood vessels.

xylose n.

a pentose sugar,one with five carbon atoms)that is involved in carbohydrate interconnections within cell.

yawning n.

a reflex action in which he mouth is opened wide and air is drawn.

yaws n.

a tropical infectious disease caused by the spirochaete.

Y chromosome

a sex chromosomes that is present in men but noin women.

yeast n.

any of a group of fungi in which he body consist of individual cells which may occur singly, in groups of two or threeor in chain.

yellow fever

an infectious disease caused bay an arbovirus.

yersinia n.

a genus of earobic or facultively anaerobic gram-negative bacteria that are parasites of animals and human.

yolk n.

a substance rich in protein and fat that is laid down wthin the egg cell as nourishment for the embryo.

yolk sac

the membranous sac composed of mesoderm lined with endoderm that lies ventra to the embryo.

yttrium-90 n.

an artificial radioactive isotope of the element ytrium, used in radiotherapy.

zafirlukast n.

see leuotriene receptor anatagonist.

zalcitabine ( ddc)n.

a drug similar to didanosine

zanamivir n.

an anitirval drugs that acts by inhibiting the action of neuraminidase n viruses.

zantac n.

see ranitidine.

zein n.

a protein found in maize.

zidovuine (AZT)

an interval drug used in the treatmentod AIDS and HIV infection.

zee's syndrome

a combination of severe hyperlipidaemia,haemolytic anaemea and jaudice.


a trace element that is a confactor of many enzymes.

zinc oxiede

a mild astringent used in various skin conditions, usually mixed with oter is applied cream, ointment,dusting powder.

zonule (zonul) n.

a small band or zone; fo example zonule of zinn


dissolution of the suspensory ligament of the lens of the eye.


prefix denoting animals.

zoonosis n.

an efectious disease of animals that can be transmitted to humans.


sexaul attration into animals,which may be manifest in strong and fonding animals or in sexual intercourse.

zoophobia n.

excessively strong fear of animal.


visual hallucinations of a animal. these can occurs in any condition causing hallucinations but are most typical of delirium tremens.


an ion that bears a positive and a negative charge. Amino acids can yield zwitterion

zygoma n.

see zygomatic arch,zygomatic bone.

zygomatic arch

the horizontal arch of the bone on eather side of the face. just below the eyes.

zygomatic bone

either of a pair of bones tha form the prominent part of the cheeks and contribute to the orbits.

zygote n.

the fertilized ovum before cleavage begins.


the second stage of the first prosphase of meiosis in which the homologous chromosomes form pairs.

zym- (zymo) prefix denoting.

1. an enzyme.
2. fermentation

zymogen n.

see proenzyme.


the science of the study of yeast and fermentation.


the process o fermentation or degistion b anenzyme.


the process of fermentation.brought about by yeast organisms.

zymotic diseases

an old name for a contagious disease, which was formerly thought to develop within the body following infectionin a process similar to the fermentation of yeast.